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The amazing success in developing a vaccine to protect us against Covid-19 has enabled a quicker return to a more normal routine than we ever thought possible.
But there are other diseases that make a reappearance during the Autumn. Influenza or ‘flu’ is a regular visitor at this time of year, for which we can get some protection through vaccination.
In a year where we have kept apart, our immune systems might be less ready so make sure you get your flu jab.

The clocks have gone back, the mornings and evenings are darker, and winter is fast approaching. The decrease in daylight and good weather can cause a decline in our activity levels. We have less opportunity to benefit from being outdoors and on the move, with many of us choosing to drive or use public transport for speed and convenience instead.
It’s the perfect time of year to get involved with Buckinghamshire Council’s Active Communities programme, which has been designed to encourage the take up of regular activity that fits in with your day-to-day life.
Active Park Walks – part of your new Active Community
An Active Community is where you sit less, stand often and move more. These small changes to everyday routine can make a difference to your long-term health. After all, EVERY MOVEMENT MATTERS
You can find out more about your Active Community here